Elnora’s Farm is committed to providing a safe environment by integrating the best practices of policing with state-of-the-art technology.
A critical component of a comprehensive security plan is closed-circuit television (CCTV) — a technology that can remotely monitor and record activity on the farm.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the use of CCTV on our property in a way that enhances security but also respects the expectation of reasonable privacy among our guests. This policy applies to all guests, visitors, and inhabitants of the farm.
General Principles
- The purpose of CCTV monitoring is to deter crime and to protect the safety and property within the farm. Safety and security purposes include, but are not limited to:
- Protection of individuals, including guests, visitors, farm animals, and inhabitants;
- Protection of private property and farm structures, including farm perimeters, greenhouses, open kitchen, gates, pathways, storage areas, and animal cages and pens;
- Verification of alarms and access control systems;
- Patrol of common areas and areas accessible to the public;
- Investigation of criminal activity and serious disciplinary activity, such as, for example, destruction of farm vegetation, in accordance with this policy.
Any diversion of security technologies for purposes other than the safety and security purposes contemplated by this policy is prohibited.
- CCTV monitoring will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner. Only the farm owners are involved in monitoring and responsible in the use of this technology.
- Information obtained through monitoring will only be released when approved by the farm owner.
- Monitoring will be conducted in a manner consistent with the Data Privacy Act (Republic Act 10173).
- Monitoring shall be limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation to privacy. Guests shall have a greater expectation of privacy in their accommodations. Therefore, monitoring for safety and security purposes will not be used in private accommodations.
- The existence of this policy does not imply or guarantee that cameras will be constantly monitored in real time.